Friday, April 25, 2014

"Follow" or "Like" value exchange

Simply just asking for someone to “Follow” or ‘Like “ you isn’t going to work anymore when it comes to social media.  Just as they always have, people want to know now, “what’s in it for me”.  This hasn’t changed.  It’s how we communicate that has.  This is referred to as the value exchange and it needs to be communicated clearly and in a persuasive manner in order to be successful.  People are now looking for a compelling reason to get involved with a business.  Your job is to give them one.  One great way to create a strong value exchange is to provide advanced notice of upcoming events, sales and new products.  Another might be to include a printable coupon or voucher when a “Like” button is selected.  Finally, always solicit feedback and make sure you pay attention.  The worst thing you can do is get social and then completely ignore your clients.  Get involved, plan your value proposition landscape and execute it with confidence.  

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